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Q:  Do I need a Medical card to buy any of CBD Boutique’s products?
A:  No, you do not need a Medical Card to buy our products.

Q:  How old do I need to be to buy CBD?
A:  At lease 18 years of age.

Q:  What is Hemp Extract?
A:  Hemp extracts are a non-psychoactive, naturally occurring extract produced from hemp plants. Though hemp is considered a cannabis plant, hemp is not the same as marijuana and does not produce over 0.3% of the psychoactive substance THC.

Q:  Where do your products come from?
A:  All of CBD Boutique’s products are derived, in some form or another, from industrial hemp. Industrial hemp is defined, per the 2018 Agricultural Act, as cannabis plants containing less than 0.3% THC (gets a person “high”) on a dry-weight basis. The hemp farms from which we derive our products are sourced here in the United States, from Colorado, Oregon or Kentucky.  We do not buy hemp from overseas, as most overseas hemp companies do not have the same safety regulations as the USA.

Q:  What is the difference between full spectrum and isolate products?
A:  Full spectrum hemp extracts are extracts that contain the majority of the plant’s profile post extraction. While hemp extract alone may be beneficial, full spectrum hemp extracts have the added benefit of also including trace amounts of various other cannabinoids, as well as plant-specific terpene profiles which modulate the effects of cannabinoids in the body. Hemp extract isolate is defined as just the active cannabinoids itself, with no additional ingredients, usually appearing as a white, crystalline solid at room temperature.

Q:  Are your products legal?
A:  Yes. All of The CBD Boutique’s products are legal, pursuant to the 2018 Agricultural Act. As all of our products contain less than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis, as verified by independent laboratory analysis, and are derived from industrial hemp, they are considered hemp products and are therefore not subject to the same prohibitory federal and state laws concerning marijuana (cannabis with a THC concentration of 0.3% or higher)

Q:  Will your products cause me to fail a drug test?
A:  While the maximum concentration of 0.3% THC will not typically cause one to fail a drug test, there have been anecdotal reports of full spectrum hemp extracts causing one to fail a urinalysis for marijuana. While we do advise customers to consume our products at their own risk, there is a significantly smaller possibility of failing a drug test if using products that contain a hemp extract isolate, for example Heka Hemp Co. – Energos or IvyDiol 1000 Isolate. Hemp extract isolate contains 0% THC, and since drug tests either test for THC or a metabolite of THC, phytocannabinoid isolates alone will not cause somebody to fail a drug test.

Q:  How much do I use?
A:  While the serving of hemp extract is largely tentative and dependent on a multitude of factors including weight, genetics, body fat percentage, age, and sex, a basal serving recommendation can be calculated. The basal serving recommendation is 1mg/.25*body weight in lbs. For example, a 160lb person’s daily serving recommendation would be 40mg of hemp extract/hemp extract isolate, as .25 X 160lbs = 40 mg per day. Again, this is largely speculative, and individual tit-ration is necessary in order to determine the serving that works best for you. It is also recommended to take this daily recommended serving, and divide it by as many small, individual servings as possible in order to maintain a consistent blood concentration throughout the day (for example, somebody consuming 40 mg a day would find superior results by consuming four 10 mg servings throughout the day, rather than one 40 mg serving once per day.)

Q:  What are your products tested for? Who tests them?
A:  All of our products are analyzed for cleanliness and correct labeling by Steep Hill Laboratories, an independently owned and operated analysis, biotechnology, and research and development facility. Our products are checked for contaminants (heavy metals and pathogens) as well as their cannabinoid contents to ensure that they are below the legal 0.3% THC level and contain the advertised level of phytocannabinoids.

Heka Hemp Co and IvyDiol products are all  CDPHE (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment) approved, meaning our products have been reviewed and deemed safe for consumption to the public.

Please feel free to call us with any questions or concerns.